Dienstag, 6. September 2011

Casual Combinations

KLANGBLUETEN (Wolfgang Kraus)

A metal sculpture of flower symbols in a park awakens distinct inspirations than on the car parking field of a town center market place. In combination with other metal artcraft objects the single sculpture begins to integrate in an imaginary story, composed by all elements of the exposed artworks. And even more in combination with the old historic town architecture of an residencial town and capital of Prime Nassau County those artcraft inspirational energy begins to work in the mind of it`s observers. This basic concept of the interaction of artcraft and public space shall be demonstrated by this photographic series about the actual exposition `Metal Design in Movement`, exposed at Weilburg Palace Market Place from 1st September until 3rd October 2011 and following in Weilburg Animal Park, the former Counts Hunting Forest.

KLANGBLUETEN (Wolfgang Kraus)

KLANGBLUETEN (Wolfgang Kraus)

A `Sinus-Curve` as mathematical factor begins to develop parallel meanings, so as if it would describe a sector movement of an ocean wave or the skin of an enormeous whale, hit by dozens of harpoons

SINUS (Bernhard Beden)

SINUS (Bernhard Beden)

SINUS (Bernhard Beden)

FREI ! (Juergen Leister)

TREPPE (Holz & Stahl Werk 1 GmbH)

TREPPE (Holz & Stahl Werk 1 GmbH)

GEDULDSSPIEL (Markus Balbach)

The World Globe - a bird cage, that balances against an opposite composed of silver ice-cubes, like tied at an giant justice balance with it`s center over an metalic jungle of living species that also indicate an north and south of an static windrose








The only human representations, the dancers couple, seems to be an interpretation of the `crossed hammer` symbol of the former important iron mining industry in the surroundings of Weilburg, that opens to an slow movement of the man and the woman, even if the latter remains in a torted state of being of an miners working tool.

TANZENDES PAAR (Heinrich Leye)

TANZENDES PAAR (Heinrich Leye)

TANZENDES PAAR (Heinrich Leye)

TANZENDES PAAR (Heinrich Leye)

FREI ! (Juergen Leister)


Sonntag, 28. August 2011

Everything starts in the beginning, but where is the beginning ?

Publicity Stratigraphy I 1993

Publicity Stratigraphy II 1993

The Public Space is composed by designed objects. Passing throught that space our mind and memory is filled by impressions that later compose our imagination and inspirational capacity. Certain impressions are static, we see them always or can go back to that place, where we saw something to recover our memory. Others are momentary, vanishing with the ongoing time from our surrounding and so remain impossible to review. Photography has the genius capacity to store and preserve those impressions so that by passing through photographic collections we are able to reconstruct the system of the composition of our own `inconscious memory image stock`. The genius capacity or the curse of that technique.

Publicity Stratigraphy III 1993

Publicity Stratigraphy IV 1985



Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011

City Brain Areas - The Roemerberg Bun

The Public Space, it`s surfaces at buildings and their walls, provide a anthropogenic natural ground for artistic expressions, human communicative necessities and urgent calls, like an giant canvas, an overdimensional wall news-sheet. Mostly inmediately removed, modern cultures have detected the advantage to surrender certain spaces to public space artists for those process reasons, where during time more complex histories can accumulate and can be observed, read and analized by a greater public. An impressioning example for the long-term accumulation of public art is the Frankfurt Main Historic Museum (HM) in the heart of the cities governmental district, the Roemerberg. The presented photo-series dates from the month of June and August 2011.
